Riddhi Mehta uses a single click to bring ancestors back into the present

“Call your grandmother if nothing is going well.”

Riddhi Mehta uses a single click to bring ancestors back into the present

But what if you had your parents and grandparents in your pocket, though?  You did indeed read that accurately! You may simply acquire your family's advice, recipes, and bedtime stories with just one click now.

Riddhi Mehta, a 39-year-young financial analyst, has built this bridge between the two worlds called Heirloom Tales which guarantees that no one will ever forget their ancestors' precious moments. 

The first family app in India, Heirloom Tales, preserves the priceless bond between two generations. As a result, Never will anyone feel lonely or far from their sweet home.

The question is, how did this beautiful, intelligent entrepreneur come up with this brilliant idea?

After pursuing her Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), she accepted a position with a real estate development company where she began as a finance executive and then obtained experience in legal and marketing. 

Riddhi was lucky in all of her jobs to have the chance to work under the direct supervision of the Board of Directors, which gave her a lot of experience managing day-to-day business operations, administrative tasks, handling finances, compliance, etc.

As if the universe was preparing her for entrepreneurship. On her path as an employee, she has encountered incredibly smart and inspirational people. However, the year 2020 was distinct and exceptional in many ways for everyone; we had never imagined being confined to our homes for weeks on end and the world coming to a virtual standstill. 

Riddhi Mehta uses a single click to bring ancestors back into the present

But something unexpected happened in this Covid pandemic. This multitalented businesswoman decided to quit her job and started a spiritual journey to find the purpose of her life. Holy smokes!

Riddhi abandoned her comfortable existence and began searching for something she doesn't even know exists. With Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's blessings, she began her spiritual journey, which led her into a new universe.

So, during this period of soul searching, she was completely unburdened, alone, and on vacation with no obligations or deadlines to meet. It was during this time that the inspiration for HEIRLOOM TALES struck her. 

And She immediately knew that she had found the missing piece of her life. Thus, Heirloom Tales is born. Beginning with a clean slate and gradually moving toward business, it has been an incredible adventure of self-discovery.

“Jab god ki marzi hoti hain tab cheezon main logic nahi, Sirf magic hota hain.” In true belief, Riddhi started this exciting new business journey. Was it easy? Absolutely no! Nevertheless, her previous work experience and grasp of business certainly assisted her in her career path.

Her life was full of ups and downs, but doubting herself was the most difficult experience. Ms Mehta had to battle herself before facing the world. But she remained strong in fighting and put her most confident self onstage because she felt it was worthwhile.

As a founder, her friends and family became her rock-solid supporters. These supporters never stopped encouraging Riddhi to keep working hard and fulfil her dream. She considered herself extremely lucky to have an Army like this.

Being a bootstrap without family support would have been a nightmare, so she feels grateful for their help and blessings.

“No Guts, No Glory.”

What motivates Riddhi to get out of bed and be enthused about her business is that it's a new day and she has a fresh opportunity to try something new, like a unique marketing concept. Even if you don't know, you will eventually find out, so get started.

She is now understanding every element of a great business because of how this new chapter has changed her.

 She has developed into a multitasker who is learning how to finish her work, file taxes, keep accounts organised, keep track of spending, understand priorities, and have faith in the process. She also knows what expenses are significant and crucial at times so for that taking necessary calls.

The founder of Heirloom Tales cautioned all aspiring business owners that it can be challenging at first because we have become comfortable with receiving a monthly salary for years, and suddenly altering this situation is both necessary and mind-shifting.

The journey undoubtedly enables you to identify your actual supporters and well-wishers, as well as who will assist you and who will leave in the event of little turbulence. This journey also helps to filter the fake people in your life. And this is the best for you as an individual.

Riddhi Mehta uses a single click to bring ancestors back into the present 4

During this unexpected adventure, Riddhi learned to encourage others, especially female entrepreneurs since she is aware of how difficult their work is and how much even the tiniest action, like posting a story on social media, can mean.

 Outsiders may not realise it, but you are sincerely grateful when someone shares your company feed, even just once. Being an entrepreneur means appreciating small things in life. Because few events and circumstances are unexpected.

In this journey, nobody prepared Riddhi for how she would feel or doubt herself and how she would need to work things out on her own without the help of a partner or a brainstormer, and how necessary it would be to invest in the customer retention system from the very beginning.

But it's okay to not have all the answers at once. Don't worry, just start doing what you already know; you'll soon be able to plan your next move. Simply take the initial step, go with your instinct, and continue.

Riddhi the owner of Heirloom Tale advised other start-up creators to take each day as it comes; don't start by making plans for the moon. You have a sound business plan, but you will need to give it time before it bears fruit. 

It's okay if your venture doesn't start bringing in money right away; just learn to accept it. Have faith that, in time, your venture will succeed and pay off for you. You will enjoy the experience of being your own boss if you expect the unexpected.

“It’s the will, not the skill.”

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