No time for Social Stigmas, 16 year old Aniketh Chavare is not your average teenager

Age is just a number, after all! Here is a real-world illustration of it. Meet Versefi's creator and founder, 16-year-old Aniketh Chavare, an inspirational young man. While finishing 11th grade, Aniketh completed two internships in the technology sector and launched his own start-up business.

Versefi's founder has previously worked as a software developer with Kalana for five months and Vkonex AI for six months. Versefi is a tech base company located in Banglore that assists in building Software, and Business apps as well as Web Dev, Android Dev, and Python. 

Versefi is a tiny, innovative technology business that seeks to fundamentally transform the internet and technology by developing solutions for consumers in a variety of markets. Aniketh always believed “A successful team is a group of many hands but of one mind.”

Versefi Logo

It's difficult and not possible to run a firm by yourself. Additionally, this 16-year entrepreneur is not working alone to achieve his goals. Versefi is being worked on diligently by 6 software developers to make it the greatest business.

This game-changer young businessman is definitely on cloud nine. However, he has earned his success; it has not been showered upon him. Right from the start, he had a dream. A great desire of his was to launch his business, and it has been a success.

Aniketh seems to be very mature, understanding, and compassionate. With this business, he can fulfil his desire to produce goods that will benefit both him and society. It's amazing how young he is and how he's breaking all kinds of stigmas.

This fighting soul has been completing his education and fulfilling his dreams at the same time. His story will inspire many young innocent souls to dream big and start taking action to make it a reality.

The company's founder, Aniketh, is overjoyed that his ambition has come true. He is aware that whatever they do has benefits and drawbacks. He has gained a lot of knowledge and expertise in his particular field thanks to it. Because he knew it will greatly benefit society, he only wanted to develop and market his unique product.

The only drawback to being a founder, in his opinion, is that you are constantly busy and have a full plate. Even if you are passionate about what you are doing, you may come to feel that you are losing out on a lot of things outside of the "founder" life. All of us suffer from FOMO, right? But.

“Raahon main hazaro ulzane aur koshishe behisaab, Isiko kehte hain Zindagi, Chalte rahiye Janab.”

In addition to having a strong belief in himself, Aniketh is also a believer in the concept of keeping hustlers going. For this startup, he has put forth a lot of effort. He has received support from many people, including his parents and school. 

They provided him with either financial help or simple mentoring. He wants to work for the startup and see it succeed in the future since he doesn't want all that effort to be in vain. He wakes up every morning thrilled about his business because of this.

Although the adventure has only just begun, he has already learned a great deal that he wants to communicate to everyone. He wants to support everyone who wants to start a business or is interested in the disciplines of entrepreneurship, business, or technology.

Aniketh is very thankful for the support and mentoring he has received from his parents. His parents ignored the millions of voices that were trying to pull anyone who attempted to untangle themselves and fly far in the sky.

“Clear mind is better than gold.”

Versefi’s creator Aniketh advised all young dreamers to always have a distinct concept of business in mind: 

1. Conduct ongoing market and product research.

2. Understand what and for whom you are building.


3. Then, begin your independent development; don't immediately approach investors and VC firms because, as we all know, they don't invest in just ideas; they require an MVP or a prototype of your product. Then simply sit back and wait.

4. Increase your research and improve your observational skills. Ask for support and assistance.

5. And once you feel confident enough, just take the first step toward establishing your dream.

Aniketh emphasis more on teamwork. He truly believes that no one can manage everything alone. Everyone needs help and support. He will have a full team working with him to oversee every aspect of the business in the next two to three months (Tech, Finance, Business, Marketing, HR, etc.).

Age is only an excuse, in the opinion of this youthful multitasker. There is no turning back once someone has invested their heart, soul, and intellect into accomplishing their purpose. 

A 16-year-old entrepreneur  Aniketh encourages people to follow their hearts and not their ears. Pay attention to the voice that speaks without using any words.

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

Aniketh Chavare, Founder, Versefi

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