Chetna Verma is a multitasking entrepreneur without a full stop in her dictionary

Can’t miss getting clicked with an entrepreneur of “Klicked.” Chetna Verma is an ambitious entrepreneur, an executive in client services, a political science graduate with honours, and a content writer. Woof! This 24-year-young, stunning businesswoman has undoubtedly mastered multitasking. 

An example of a person who believes in finding solutions is Ms Verma. Her quest to become an entrepreneur was sparked by her constant desire to contribute to the solution. In today’s life, the most challenging part is finding love. 


Even though there is a tonne of dating apps available, we still see people struggling to find the right match in our neighbourhood. Because we are unaware of many loopholes in many dating apps. When everyone’s brain stopped working, she started.

This risk-taking businesswoman discovers a way to close those loopholes, and the solution is "Klicked"—an old-school love with a sprinkle of upcycling. For individuals looking for a true connection, Klicked is your go-to option. It's not another hookup app or a late-night booty call service.

Chetna is on a mission to better the lives of others by identifying their genuine connections. She is the company's creator and CEO, while Onkar Verma is a co-founder and COO of the company. She has engaged an agency to handle the marketing and development of this app.

Never settle for anything less than your finest was Chetna's guiding principle. And for that reason, she graduated with honours in Political Science from Delhi University. And started as a content writer before transitioning to become a client servicing executive.

Klicked Chetna Verma

Everything was going according to her plan, but Chetna wasn't content with that. She always had confidence in her ability to do better and accomplish more. Along with running her start-up Klicked, she is still working as a client servicing executive. 

This girl is on fire! It's been just a few months since she started her new entrepreneurship journey, but it's already making a big difference in her life. “It requires everything you have to be an entrepreneur.”

Every day brings new lessons and teachings; sometimes they involve multitasking, other times they involve learning how to get by for a few days on just a few hours of sleep, and sometimes they involve the biggest lesson of all: Be consistent and absorb as much as you can.

Starting a startup is an experience in and of itself. It requires a constant push, and the moment you stop, it stops too. Fortunately, Chetna's dictionary doesn't include a full stop. 

She experiences daily pleasure and pain as a founder because of the strain. But the stress is what keeps her alert and focused. 

One of the best things she's learned about herself is that she's a good communicator. She doesn't hold onto things, whines or rant about problems, but rather asks, "What Next?" since we can't change anything that's already happened and isn't within our control, so it's better to think of a solution than to be shocked and take it personally.

“Sahi business wohi hai jahan aap problem ko nahi, solution ko bechte hai.” And Chetna truly believes in her idea and start-up Klicked. This gumptious woman entrepreneur will stop at nothing! 

Chetna is even more motivated to do this venture because the market she is entering has such a large size. What keeps her going is the ability to affect and assist such a large audience, and of course, the increased revenue that comes with such a large admirer is another incentive to pursue it.

Chetna is grateful for the strong support her family has given her while she pursues her entrepreneurial dreams. As well, her father provided the initial funding for the idea. Her loving parents and four siblings make up her sweet small happy family. In addition to a brother, she has two sisters.

Being the oldest at home, her parents want her to get married and have begun looking for the perfect husband for her. However, she doesn't want to get married until Klicked is established. 

She needs to prove to herself and the rest of the world that her choice to become an entrepreneur was the right one. Chetna is a very determined and daring businesswoman who doesn’t believe in failure. Yes, you heard that right! 

Chetna Verma Klicked

Her philosophy is that you either win or learn; she doesn't believe in winning and losing. However, they have seen quite a few setbacks, with the financial problem constituting the main one. But that doesn’t stop them from moving forward.

Being a young businesswoman, Chetna discusses some of her challenges, such as how she wishes someone had told her where to find finance. a few recommendations for getting merged survey results. so forth. However, discovering is part of the process of becoming an entrepreneur.

Being on the same team, she advises other business owners by emphasizing that,  Aim for progress, not perfection; no matter how hard you work to make anything flawless, there will always be something that someone will find missing. This might be either too much or too little.

This fighting persona believes that progress toward perfection is stagnated and that everything's beauty lies in its flaws. She also emphasises the idea that "JUST DO IT," regardless of whether you have done something similar before or not.

 Don't plan for too long because, in any case, something will go haywire, and you might not be able to remain calm because, most likely, you will try to make things go according to your plan, and amid all this, you would lose your chance to be spontaneous and stand out.

 Don't overthink it; just do it because until you do, you won't be able to see things that were previously invisible to you from the outside.

“Don’t just talk about it, Be about it.”

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