A true edu-preneur, Nimish Gopal is creating CareerNaksha for all students

Are you confused about your career path? Don't stress, simply follow Nimish Gopal's road map.

A dynamic entrepreneur Nimish Gopal, 31, founded CareerNaksha, a start-up that creates a two-way ecosystem that enables students, recent graduates, and working professionals to make better career decisions by seeking advice from career counsellors who are outfitted with their tools and training.

More than 2.1 million students and over 3600 counsellors have been effectively reached by CareerNaksha, which operates in 12 cities. with little investment in marketing and client acquisition expenses under 20%. They are currently seeking funding to expand their business strategy across India.

CareerNaksha, which is an amazing startup, has been profitable and bootstrapped since day one. There is no doubt that the crew at this powerful company is powerful. Let's get to know them. The team includes founder and CEO Nimish Gopal, Co-founder Maulin Shah, as well as Ruma Varshney, Tushar Karlekar, and Rajpal Singh.

Good heavens! But how did all that happens?

Rewind to the time Nimish completed his B.Tech. in Biotechnology with a minor in Business and Entrepreneurship. A Master's in Business and Science from the Drucker School of Management followed after that.

He began his career as an Inventory Marketing Specialist at BioRad Laboratories in Silicon Valley, where he spent two years before becoming a Product Manager. After that, he worked as a Business Development and Partner Engagement Manager at Ops Hub Inc. before focusing entirely on CareerNaksha. 

Additionally, he also co-founded two businesses in the past, PosterGully, which Asian Business Exhibitions and Conferences later purchased, and GBioFin Biotech Services, one of the largest biotech student organisations hatched in India (ABEC). Kaboom! 

With CareerNaksha, however, this bold businessman aspired to make a positive impact on student's lives, and he was right to do so. A strong thought like this certainly shows some traces of past struggles.

According to Nimish, if he had access to scientific career advice, he believed he could have utilised his skills more effectively. Realising he was not alone in having this issue, he took action. Many students regret their decisions later in life after having made several poor decisions in the short term.

Being a visionary businessman, he saw the seriousness of the issue. This set him on a path to create something valuable for future generations so that Indian youngsters may receive appropriate scientific career guidance.

He truly believes, “Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems.”  With that thought, Nimish aimed to create an ecosystem that would guarantee that the right person would be in the right place at the right time. A happy and successful youth would result from this, and they would help India grow into a leading economy.

His journey has been filled with eureka moments and self-development during the past few years. Being a founder has several advantages, but the best one is the freedom to move at your own pace, make mistakes along the way, and learn from them.

Having a business is like sitting on a sea saw, some days are up and some days are down. There is no denying that sometimes it might be very challenging to maintain your motivation in the face of multiple obstacles. Understanding the impact CareerNaksha can make in students' lives, though, is what motivates him.

This not only directs them in the appropriate career direction but also points them in the direction of happiness and professional satisfaction. He finds unmatched satisfaction in his thoughts about this.

“Family is like  music, some high notes, some low notes, but always a beautiful song.” 

 Nimish is confident that the support of one's family is essential for an undertaking as difficult as starting a business. A crucial aspect of his path as a founder has been his family. Beginning with the very first step of his adventure with CareerNaksha, his parents, wife, and sister have been nothing but encouraging.

Making the decision to launch a company full-time is difficult, especially if you have no other resources than any possible savings. Because he had previously worked on two startups that did not have the best results, he found this to be even more difficult.

However, his family gave him the ultimate push to start working full-time for CareerNaksha and served as his inspiration. Nimish has been able to overcome his difficulties, accept his shortcomings, and continue to grow CareerNaksha to the heights it has become today thanks to the support of his family.

This is unbelievable! Do you agree?

CareerNaksha’s strong mind has also encouraged other entrepreneurs to always be on the lookout for opportunities to learn and improve; some of our most enlightening conversations have taken place with those who we least expected to help us along the path. 

It is important to wait patiently for results, but this does not mean that you should stop working. The road to entrepreneurship may have no clear beginning or end. You'll constantly be working on improving consumer feedback, keeping up with new advancements, and reaching new heights.

As a founder, Nimish also advises embracing every moment. All of this will be memorable, whether it involves working with your team, generating impact for your clients, or enhancing your company's ecology. 

The second piece of advice he has is to keep being persistent. Do not let failures and obstacles distract you from starting your business; they are an inevitable part of the process. With the correct tools, you can convince the world to believe in your idea if you are confident in it.

CareerNaksha’s free-spirited entrepreneur also emphasises the need of creating your company's long-term viability rather than only concentrating on short-term performance measures, as this is what will ultimately determine your success.

People are the key to your business. Don't undervalue the importance of networking and making connections. Not only it is crucial to have the proper team on your side, but you also need the ideal mentors and friends to support you through every stage.

“Be all in or be nothing at all.”

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