Rare blue supermoon

The common saying about the rare case when two full moons are observed within the limits of one calendar month is a blue moon. Once again, it has absolutely nothing to do with the colour of the moon, but with the rarity of the event. The moon would not become blue, but bigger and brighter since it is closer to Earth. When we talk about a supermoon, we mean the full moon when the Moon, at that time, is the closest to the Earth. So it seems much larger and more radiant than usual. If a blue moon is to be a supermoon, it truly is a conflux of coincidences. The last such venture was in 2018, and the next one will be in 2037.


What is a blue moon?

The blue moon comes about simply by definition through the Earth's orbit around the sun in association with the moon's orbit around the Earth. The Earth orbits the Sun in about 365.25 days, and the Moon orbits Earth in about 29.5 days. This, therefore, prescribes that there are 12 full moons in one year, but once in a while, there can also be 13. Once a year there are 13 full moons, the third full moon in a season is what is referred to as a blue moon.

What creates a Supermoon?

A supermoon comes about because of the elliptical orbit about the earth that the moon travels. Better put, the moon does not travel in a circular path around the Earth but follows some form of an oval path. This just means it is closer to Earth at other times than at other times. The closest point that the moon reaches toward Earth is called perigee, and the farthest point from Earth is called apogee.

Image Source - Stephy

How to see a blue supermoon?

This will take a good, dark spot from which the sky can be seen clearly. The Moon is always going to be there by simple eye examination; however, you might want to consider binoculars or even a telescope to get a much closer view.

What does a blue supermoon mean?

The significance of a blue supermoon would be mainly cultural. Some cultures believe that a blue moon is rather good luck or even change. Other cultures regard the blue moon as mysterious or magical.

super blue moon
Image Source - Stephy

The blue supermoon brings superstitions

Scores of superstitions are linked with the blue moon. Some cultures believe that the blue moon is for love and new beginnings, while others believe that it is a time for magic and divination.

Historical events linked to the blue supermoon

There are many historical events associated with the blue moon. For example, 1918 was a Blue Moon year in a time of much change when the First World War was ending and the Spanish Flu pandemic just beginning.

super moon

Scientific research  on the blue supermoon 

There have been several scientific studies on the blue supermoon. Some of these looked into the effects of the blue moon on the tides, and some researched the effects on the weather.

Predictions about the blue supermoon's future

There are many predictions on the frequency of the blue supermoon in years to come. Some people argue that it will be more common many years in the future, while others are of the idea that the blue supermoon will be seen less frequently.

Insights from a blue supermoon

What the blue supermoon elicits is awe and wonder at the universe. It is a reminder that we have to stop and smell the flowers, so to speak.


The blue supermoon is such an unusual and beautiful natural spectacle. It is surely a reminder of the strength of the universe and a little reminder that people have to take time off and enjoy the natural world.

With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies

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