A heavenly alignment - 5 planets line up for a phenomenal celestial event

On Tuesday, March 28, an unusual celestial event will occur, as five planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus, will align in a straight line and be visible in the night sky. Saturn will also be visible briefly in the early morning hours on March 27 and 28. This parade of planets will be a rare sight that won't occur again until 2040. Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will be easily visible to the naked eye, while Mercury and Uranus will require binoculars or a telescope to spot. The best time to view the planets in India will be between 6:36 PM and 7:15 PM IST, shortly after sunset. Mercury and Jupiter will disappear within 30 minutes of the sunset, while Venus will be the brightest of all. Even areas with significant light pollution should be able to see Venus. The five planets will appear in a line extending about 50 degrees from the horizon to halfway up the sky, with Mars being close to the Moon.

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