Pro-Bolsonaro protesters storm Brazil's capital

On Sunday, thousands of supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the country's Congress, presidential palace and Supreme Court in the capital of Brasília. 

The protesters, many of them waving Brazilian flags and wearing Bolsonaro's signature red-and-blue baseball cap, forced their way into the buildings, vandalizing them and setting off fireworks. Bolsonaro, who is currently in Florida, has condemned the protests and rejected new President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's accusation that he had a role in spurring the unrest. 

Brazil's security forces regained control of the area around the Congress and Supreme Court, and hundreds of people were arrested by police.

Jair Bolsonaro is a Brazilian politician and current President of Brazil. He took office on January 1, 2019. Bolsonaro is a member of the Social Liberal Party (PSL) and has previously served as a member of the National Congress of Brazil.

He is known for his controversial statements and positions on a range of issues, including LGBT rights, women's rights, and the environment. Bolsonaro has a history of making offensive and derogatory comments, including about women, minorities, and LGBT people. He has also been accused of inciting violence and promoting hate speech.

One of Bolsonaro's key campaign promises was to loosen gun laws in Brazil and make it easier for citizens to own firearms. He has also expressed support for the use of torture by police and security forces.

As President, Bolsonaro has taken a hardline stance on crime and security, and has implemented policies that have been criticized by human rights groups.

He has also pursued a number of controversial environmental policies, including rolling back protections for the Amazon rainforest and indigenous communities.

Bolsonaro has a strong base of support among conservative and evangelical voters, and has been described as a far-right politician.

His presidency has been marked by political turmoil and widespread protests, as well as allegations of corruption and abuse of power.


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