India's First Transgender Councillor: Bobi Kinnar

New India, new changes!

Delhi officially gets their first transgender councillor. 

Bobi Kinnar wins the civic polls on a ticket from the Aam Aadmi Party, in Delhi's Sultanpuri area. Bobi identifies as a transgender. Although many people have spoken against the selection of Bobi, many have also come in her support. 

Bobi Kinaar in her area

At the age of 14 bobi was taken into the transgender community after boeing ousted from her home. She then began working as a wedding dancer and grew her interest in politics by doing social work. 

Bobi Kinnar is a person of many wonders, apart from being active in politics she also runs a primary school in her area. And is also the president of the Delhi unit of the Hindu Yuva Samaj Ekta Awam Anti-Terrorism Committee. 

“Hindu, Muslim, and everyone should live peacefully. Now problems are increasing. Hindu, Muslims, Sikhs - everyone had sacrificed for the country’s freedom. Everyone should live together peacefully,” said Bobi Kinnar. 

Although previously Bobi’s main focus had only been the development of her own community, later she understood that ist was very important to work for everyone while representing and giving a voice to her community. 

Bobi Kinnar during her rally

Upon becoming councillor she took out a rally on the streets that she once danced and sang at. She was praised and supported by numerous people during this rally, where she stood on a jeep with flower garlands around her neck. 

But with supporters, Bobi has also endured a lot of hate and discrimination from various people, calling her “chakka”, or by saying, “now the area is of hijras”. Regarding this she said, “But these are only a few people. Thousands of people have shown me their love and elected me, what else do I want?” 

Even though many traditional people have objected to Bobi, Rome wasn't built in a day. With time changes come, and Bobi Kinnar, a tramgender getting the same voice as everyone else is a proof that change happens, and a promise that a lot of progress will happen. 


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