Hosting a party at home? Here are some cheap yet elegant dinner options

It's always fun to have people over at your place and serve them. People coming over always expect a lot. But it's not always important to spend a lot for hosting people over. Let's give you some cheap affordable dinner options that will make sure your guests always remember the way you hosted them without burning a hole in your pocket.

Tip #1

Firstly you can try decorating the house with some candles, which you already have and dim the lights of your house to create a nice and cosy vibe. 

Tip #2

Take a huge jug, add some water, mint and lemons in that and serve that as water, this won't cost you anything at all but will look really fancy and taste even better. You can also do something similar in case you are planning to serve alcohol as well. You can cut down your alcohol, by offering a signature drink. You will only need to buy one type of alcohol, and even make it better if you make a cocktail.

House Party

Tip #3

Another great idea could be to host a potluck party, where you can ask everyone to bring their favourite dish to share with everyone. These types of dinners are perfect for keeping costs down.


If you are planning to do everything on your own, try making easy-to-eat food that you know and stick to one cuisine to make it easy, if you plan a lavish menu and try to incorporate a lot of cuisines it will cost you a lot and take up time as well.  You can also make meals, with lesser ingredients. If you plan to order something from outside, again stick to a single cuisine and try looking for discounts and deals on various websites and apps. 

Tip #5

Keep a bowl of chips, peanuts and other snacks with some dips for your guests to munch on while they enjoy the party. Also, it's not always important to go overboard. It's easy to go overboard, but you don't have to serve an overwhelming amount of food for the event to be a success. Be realistic about the portion sizes and consider skipping the starters maybe or keeping something really light and simple.  

Tip #6

For desserts, you can go for something really simple like a scoop of ice cream or a slice of cake. 

Tip #7

Prepare in advance for the number of guests invited and expected to come over. An effective RSVP process is not a bad idea - so that you don't end up over-ordering and then throwing food and party treats out just 'cos you didn't know just how many people will finally turn up.

Tip #8

Plan some simple and fun games like cards, dance-offs, charades, blind makeovers or even Who am I? No need for any expensive party treats and embellishments to keep your guests entertained.

Tip #9

Use volume booster apps or clever techniques like the bowl-hack or the paper-cup hack to boost the volume of your phone's music so that you are not investing in unnecessary speakers to amp up the mood at your party.

Tip #10

Use herbs for decor rather than flowers. Cut herbs into smaller leaves and place them in little pots or tumblers all over the house. Herbs like lavender, basil, mint, parsley, and cilantro smell even better than expensive flowers and give that unique feel to the house.

There you go - all prepped up to host your next dinner party in style and yet saving up for your next one-  'cos your friends will surely love this one and request a 'once-more'.

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