Is Israel planning to push all Gaza residents into the Sinai Desert? - Alleged Israeli plan leaks online

The Israeli Ministry of Intelligence has suggested moving the 2.2 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip to Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, according to a document that was recently made public by +972's partner site Local Call. This leaked document has sparked significant controversy amid the  Israel-Hamas conflict

The 10-page document, dated October 13, 2023, and displaying the Intelligence Ministry's logo, is a policy research paper. The document was initially published on Mekomit, a Hebrew website and has been confirmed as authentic by the ministry and is available in full, translated into English, on +972. 

The Intelligence Ministry, despite its name, is an independent body that produces policy papers for the Israeli government and security agencies, but its suggestions are not binding. The ministry has a limited budget and influence. Gila Gamliel, a Likud Party member, currently leads it.

According to this document, there are allegations that Israel intends to relocate the people of Gaza to Egypt's Sinai region. It's reported that Wikileaks shared this information, stating that the document was prepared by Israel's Ministry of Intelligence approximately one week after the Hamas attack.

The plan outlines the relocation of Palestinians residing in Gaza to Egypt's Sinai region. The transfer plan is outlined in several stages. In the first stage, the document suggests encouraging the population of Gaza to "evacuate south" while focusing air strikes on the northern Gaza Strip.

The second stage involves a ground incursion into Gaza, aiming to occupy the entire Strip from north to south and clear the underground bunkers used by Hamas fighters. it stipulates that Egypt's Rafah crossing, near southern Gaza, should remain vacant during the military operation to facilitate the movement of people. 

The plan also suggests the establishment of tent settlements and cities in northern Sinai, Egypt, to accommodate Palestinians. With the re-occupation of Gaza, the plan involves relocating Palestinian civilians to Egyptian territory, preventing them from returning. The document emphasises the need to keep travel routes to the south open to facilitate the evacuation of the civilian population toward Rafah.

Furthermore, the document urges the government to initiate a public campaign in Western countries to advance the transfer plan while avoiding any incitement or vilification of Israel. This campaign would present the expulsion of Gaza's population as a humanitarian imperative to gain international support. The argument would be that relocation will result in "fewer casualties among the civilian population compared to the expected casualties if the population remains."

An official from the Intelligence Ministry has affirmed that the ministry's personnel support these recommendations. It's important to note that the ministry's research is not founded on military intelligence and is meant to serve as a foundation for discussions within the government.

The document proposes involving the United States and other countries to help relocate Gaza's Palestinian residents, with a focus on Egypt, Greece, Spain, and Canada. However, it hasn't been officially shared with U.S. officials, only with Israeli government and security agencies.

Mr. Netanyahu's office has stated that the document is an imaginary exercise and a concept paper. However, its disclosure has led to strong criticism from both the Palestinian and Egyptian governments. 

Egypt is concerned that Israel's plan could potentially shift Gaza's problems to Egypt, causing challenges with the entry of a large displaced population into their territory. Egypt's President El-Sisi opposes using Rafah Crossing to relocate Palestinians from Gaza, as he fears it could harm peace with Israel and lead to security issues. 

U.S. President Joe Biden stated that he and President Sisi are dedicated to preventing the displacement of Palestinians in Gaza to Egypt or any other country.

Palestine perceives the plan as an attempt by Israel to occupy all of Gaza and forcibly displace its population. Nabil Abu Rudaineh, spokesperson for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, has expressed strong opposition to the idea, stating that they reject the relocation of Palestinians in such a manner. He emphasized that any such attempt would not be tolerated, making reference to the events of 1948, implying a determination to prevent a repeat of past displacements.

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