Present the Right Death Numbers: Remembering the Bhopal Gas Tragedy

The Bhopal gas tragedy is one of the world's worst industrial disasters to ever occur. This tragedy occurred 39 years ago and to this day the government hasn't taken responsibility nor have they compensated the victims and given them their justice.  

Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Here are 10 things you should know about the Bhopal gas tragedy:

  • The disaster occurred on the night of December 2-3 1984, when a chemical gas leak from the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal released a toxic gas called methyl isocyanate (MIC) into the atmosphere.
  • The gas leak resulted in the deaths of thousands of people and caused serious health problems for many more.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy

  • The exact number of people who died as a result of the disaster is not known, but government estimates range from 3,000 to over 15,000.
  • The disaster affected a large area, with the toxic gas spreading over the densely populated areas surrounding the plant.
  • The gas leak caused symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing, eye irritation, and vomiting.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy

  • The disaster had lasting effects on the people and environment of Bhopal, with many people suffering from long-term health problems such as respiratory and neurological disorders.
  • The UCIL plant was operated by Union Carbide, a US-based company. The disaster led to a legal battle between the Indian government and Union Carbide over compensation for the victims.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy

  • Union Carbide eventually agreed to pay a settlement of $470 million, which was divided among the victims and the government of Madhya Pradesh.
  • The disaster led to increased regulations on the chemical industry and improved safety measures at industrial plants.
  • The Bhopal gas tragedy is considered one of the worst industrial disasters in history and has had a significant impact on attitudes towards environmental and safety regulations.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Even now the entire nation remembers the tragedy and mourns the countless victims.  

Continuous protests have taken place over the years demanding the government to present the right numbers and information instead of the fabricated versions. A petition has also been signed by 40,000 survivors of the tragedy which will be moved in the Supreme Court of India for compensation.


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