Indian Navy seizes 3,300 kg of drugs in largest narcotics bust near Gujarat port

The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and the Indian Navy worked together to seize 3,300 kg of drugs from a ship near Porbandar, Gujarat, in an unprecedented cooperative effort. With 158 kg of methamphetamine, 25 kg of morphine, and over 3000 kg of charas on the seized vessel, this drug bust is the largest in recent memory.

Due to the significant narcotics haul, every Pakistani national on board the ship has been placed under arrest. One kilogramme of charas alone is worth an astounding ₹7 crore on international markets, despite the fact that the precise value of the drugs discovered is unknown.


The mission was successfully executed thanks to the combined efforts of the Indian Navy's mission-deployed personnel and the NCB. The crew, the captured boat, and the contraband were turned over to law enforcement officials in an Indian port.

The NCB, Indian Navy, and Gujarat Police have won "historic success" in the fight against drug trafficking, according to Union Home Minister Amit Shah. As evidence of the government's dedication to a drug-free India, he applauded the cooperative operation.


An investigating dhow (sailing vessel) involved in drug smuggling was discovered during the operation, which took place in the Arabian Sea close to the International Maritime Boundary Line. The fleet reacted swiftly, acting on the intelligence that surveillance aircraft had collected.

Following another large capture of 1,100 kg of mephedrone during operations in Pune and New Delhi, there has been a noteworthy drug bust. In an effort to keep illegal substances off the streets and shield the public from the negative consequences of narcotics, authorities are still fighting drug trafficking.

Image Source: multiple agencies)

(Inputs from agencies)

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