Centre blocks pro-Khalistani YouTube channels

The Indian government has recently blocked several pro-Khalistani YouTube channels that were promoting extremist views and inciting violence. The move was made by the Ministry of Home Affairs in response to concerns about the spread of extremist propaganda on social media platforms.

The Khalistani separatist movement seeks to establish a separate state in the Indian region of Punjab and has been associated with acts of terrorism and violence in the past. The Indian government considers the movement to be a threat to national security and has taken a strong stance against it.


The blocking of these channels is part of a wider effort by the government to counter the spread of extremist ideologies and to maintain the safety and security of citizens. However, the move has also raised concerns about censorship and the regulation of free speech.

While it is important to prevent the spread of extremist views and to ensure the safety of citizens, it is equally important to safeguard the principles of free speech and open debate. It will be important for the government to strike a balance between these two priorities, and to ensure that its actions are transparent and accountable.

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