Won't let anyone suffer like my sister did - Ria Rustagi is a woman on a mission

No human can escape the grief of losing a loved one. But carving a way to live with it in a positive manner is what makes life more meaningful with endless memories. Now, that is totally in our hands. 

The journey started from losing a loved one to unlocking the true potential which has transformed thousands of lives. It is about a woman on a mission who has vowed not to let anyone suffer from what her dear sister did. 

Ria Rustagi is a 28 - year - old entrepreneur contributing as a development engineer in physical design to develop automotive microcontrollers at a German company. Having pursued B-Tech, she commenced her entrepreneurial journey due to an unfortunate occurrence in her personal life. 

Her entrepreneurial journey revolves around creating awareness about brain health. Ria believes maintaining a good relationship with the brain is crucial for a calm and stress-free life. Maintaining a good relationship highlights the mental-wellbeing, and keeping the mind relaxed will let you discover your true potential, and her startup Panktech stands as a key to it.  

Now you might be lost about why Ria being a B-Tech graduate, had to begin with this idea. Well, it is all dedicated to Pankhuri, the loving sister of this young mind. 

During Ria's education in Germany, her sister Pankhuri got a rare brain infection at the age of 25, which led her to hospitalize in the stroke ICU for six months. After fighting for six months, she passed away in 2016. During all that time, not knowing what was happening inside her brain was something Ria could not digest and understand. She could not communicate with her sister, and accepting the loss of your loved ones without knowing and understanding the real reason keeps haunting you forever and ever. 

But this did not mark the end. 

Ria Rustagi arose with the idea of inducing brain fitness as she wanted no one to suffer the pain of a lack of information related to brain health. It was the new beginning of the end! 

Ria's Panktech focuses on brain health through the assistance of Neuphony, which serves to calm your brain through meditation in the form of a headband. This was her whole idea, and she is going the extra mile to make it the last of what she saw with her sister. 

Ria has always been strong with her emotions. She is and always is the strongest person in her family. According to her, she's not a social person, which has made a lot for her to face in her graduation life. But this did not stop her from becoming what she is today. 

Meditating and organizing is her everyday pleasure, and the value she wants to add to everyone's life is what keeps her awake. She says, "The impact and the value this can bring to people's lives is what makes me get out of bed, and the ability to make my sister reach everywhere makes me motivated."  

Being compassionate about whatever she does and working hard on it to drive an impact are Ria's pillars of strength. But don't you think something is missing on these pillars? Well, the biggest strength, who has always stood there as a pillar, is her family. 

Ria's family has been very supportive throughout her journey, and she is giving her best in it, just like her father. 

"My father is also an entrepreneur, so he knows the challenges this field comes with and also has a crazy passion and desire to make it work," she adds. 

Her mother and brother have undesire support for what she does. They like to protect her from the world and make sure she does what she is good at. And lastly, her husband has always been there for her, making the whole thing lot more fun and meaningful. 

As said, you might be the one to start the journey, but it is with family and loved ones you complete it. 

Ria always sticks not to letting her emotions out. Being the same way from her childhood, she was never able to tell how much she loves and adores her sister, and this stays as much a regret to her. So, she always asks people around to be true to their emotions, to be true to their feelings, and importantly, to be true to themselves. 

Ria accepts mistakes as a part of her journey, and in these four years, she has given everything it takes for her idea to start getting the deserved traction and understanding. She also sticks to the promises she has made to life, believing in never letting anyone tell her how to make the dream a reality, “it's your baby and your dream.”

As an entrepreneur, she also understands that there is no recipe for being a perfect founder, so carve your path and way. One should be consistent but don't forget to take a break when your body is showing signs. It's okay to take a break for personal well-being!

Ria wants her inner self to be her greatest cheerleader and longs to live with the people she loves who believe in her. She has made her way to live the life she loves, and to be honest, her sister would be proud to see her for what she is today.  

“Losing the person who has always been with us in every walk of life doesn't mark the ending. One day our life will change the way we love.”

Let's trust the process and keep working on it as Ria says.

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