Vandana Tolani Invests In Building Futures

When we were asleep at night, Vandana was building a legacy at 45. With a bachelor's degree in commerce and a master's degree in business administration, Vandana decided to break the mould and build something from scratch.

Vandana Tolani

For over 15 years she had run her family business in Jakarta, Indonesia and decided to go one step ahead by returning home to India and opening up her own company, Convanto. It was not easy and she faced many hurdles in various forms but she did not allow them to hold her down and she kept moving ahead. Now over 9 years later, past all the hardships her company has faced, Convanto stands strong.

The stand-out feature that has pushed Convanto ahead while the rest are left behind is its unique business model which hasn’t been provided many times over by other companies. Convanto offers advice to small, medium and large enterprises to raise capital, and create their information memorandum, business plans, financial models & valuations, equipping them to be investor-ready.

They do the heavy lifting beforehand hand so that no one else has to. Should you be a novice in the entrepreneurial field and not have all the necessary information to be investor-ready, Convanto can give you that helping hand, that push that you need in order to get you to where you need to be.

Convanto helps young entrepreneurs find the funds to get started with the very first step of their journey. Vandana did not just build her own future, she built many other futures at the same time.

Her diverse experience allows her to lend her expertise in multiple ways to various early-stage startups. Her success did not make her complacent, if anything being a founder has kept her on her toes. Her daily routine involves meeting up with unique individuals who boast fantastic startup ideas and investors who observe the world with keen eyes and sharp minds.

Vandana Tolani

Her passion for her work gets her out of bed every morning. There isn’t a single moment of boredom in her life as she gets to tackle a unique problem every day and meet with interesting people. There is no monotony in her business.

Vandana's greatest source of strength and motivation is her family and children to whom she wants to show the power of perseverance and hard work. She wants them to achieve their passion with the same amount of single-mindedness that she has.

Her greatest strength lies in making the most out of any situation that she is in. Being a founder or CEO is no walk in the park; there are many responsibilities to handle and many difficult decisions to be made. Often there are times when things don’t go as planned and she has had to juggle multiple things at the same time but she did not let this hold her back, she took these moments for the enlightenment that they brought to her. She learnt from these moments and moved on while trying not to repeat the same mistakes again.

For Vandana her family is everything, they have been a constant source of support for her and have always helped her achieve her dreams. She constantly believes that they have a major hand in her success and that she would not come as far without them.

Vandana Tolani

For budding entrepreneurs, Vandana’s only advice is to keep going as success is not something that can be achieved in a single day, it takes years and years of hard work and you just have to keep at it on some days.

Her favourite quote is, “What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger,” since tough times are inevitable, you just have to keep going because giving up is not an option and all that hardship makes the results in the end well worth the effort.

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