IIT Bombay reduces one course per sem to cut student’s stress of first year’s

Officials said here on Friday that the IIT-Bombay Senate has taken several steps to reduce "academic stress" among its first-year students three months after Darshan Solanki's suicide.
According to his family, Solanki, an 18-year-old Ahmedabad native, jumped from his hostel building on the IIT-B campus on February 12, allegedly in response to caste discrimination and harassment. On college campuses all over India, the tragedy sparked a huge uproar. The Senate's decision to eliminate branch change at the end of the first year for 2023 and later applicants is one of its most important decisions.


An official stated, "This decision was taken based on the observation that the pressure to earn a branch change was causing stress on many students, while only a few benefitted from the branch change." According to the IIT-B, there may be a small increase in the number of seats available at the time of admission in some popular branches. Another important decision made by the Senate is to reduce the amount of work and stress students have to do in school by removing one course per semester in the first year. The official stated that as a result, junior students who struggle to keep up with the academic workload will have more time to study.

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