The Best Defense is a Great Offence - OMVAPT

When Krishna Gupta Started OMVAPT he never could have imagined that 6 years later OMPVAT would become a staple in the information security sector.

In today's world of information, it is very necessary to have cyber security at the forefront of the technological world. With everything from our daily to professional life available to any criminal at his will, it is now that people have finally started to understand what OMVAPT has known for the past half-decade. OMVAPT is a place that not only solves risks that are being faced by your business but at the same time, it also protects you from any future risks you may have to face. 

Krishna Gupta -  OMVAPT

What started as a risk-securing brand is now an international prodigy. 


Krishna Gupta, the founder of OMVAPT, wanted to have 'OM' as his brand name not only to project his Indian heritage but also to showcase the world-binding powers of OM. Just like OM, meaning from the language Sanskrit is universal and needed, cyber security is necessary for any entity to survive. 


What do they do? 


OMVAPT secures risks and enables business continuity by mitigating high risks. They disrupt malicious hackers and ensure you run your business safely without worrying about data breaches. 

OMVAPT provides detailed security recommendations ranging from small security patches to high-level network architecture re-designs. OMVAPT origins from Vulnerability Assessment (VA) + Penetration Testing (PT). 

OMVAPT first finds security gaps, also called vulnerabilities. Then OMVAPT uses their offensive security experts to validate the discovered vulnerability as genuine and not false positives. They also use Penetration testing, a simulation of a hacker, to understand the risks better. Lastly, OMVAPT offers suitable fixes for the now-confirmed vulnerabilities. 


How do they do it? 

OMVAPT uses an offensive strategy to 'Secure Risks'. They use malware analysis, digital forensics, reverse engineering and VA-PT or Ethical Hacking, the four pillars of offensive security, to manage risks.

OMVAPT's key feature is the Offensive Security approach towards cyber security. Offensive Security means ethically penetrating the perimeters to remedy the risks available. 

They also have a conscious culture which enables them to reach organisations globally and make them aware and proactive in the Information Security approach. 



Mission & Vision Statement - 

OMVAPT’s vision is to ensure the proactive security of information in organisations around the world. The information security architecture, Risk assessment methodology and as well as the way OMVAPT mitigates the risks impact their business credibility.

opportunities for cyber security experts and IT employees. The reason that OMVAPT has started this freelancing opportunity for people is to address none other than

#The_Great_Resignation !

For people who aren't familiar, the great resignation is the phenomenon that took over when employees who wanted more from their jobs but couldn't get it to quit their jobs in search of something new. Many people who worked 9-5 jobs went through this phenomenon, especially after COVID-19 hit; people realised that their life was very routine and boring. Many people started quitting employment and working as freelancers or creating businesses to fix this issue. 

OMVAPT has created this freelancing opportunity keeping in mind the millions of people who quit their jobs and are looking for meaningful and exciting freelancing gigs. 

OMVAPT offers jobs in the IT field as Cyber Defenders and Offensive Security field as Penetration Testers and Ethical Hackers.

You can visit OMVAPT's freelancing platform to learn more:-



Who is the target audience? 

If you are a Startup, OMVAPT is the best way to go. OMVAPT primarily mainly focuses on cyber security for Startups, SMBs and SMEs. Don't be disheartened if you are a Fortune 500 company, as OMVAPT is more than happy to 'Secure Risks' for you. 

If you are primarily looking for experience and expertise, then OMVAPT is for you. They not only offer experience in the field of information security but also offer their expertise as Black Hat Penetration Testers. And above all, OMVAPT offers a risk-based strategy which is not only practical but at the same time sensible as well. 


How to reach them? 

To learn more about conscious security, you can visit OMVAP’s online website, . To get updates from OMVAPT follow them on Twitter, . And to engage or connect with OMVAPT don't forget to visit them at their LinkedIn page, .


To conclude - 

Omvapt is a cybersecurity firm that specialises in offensive security and uses its conscious culture to secure risks through the process of Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing. 


“Information Security by Consciousness”         ~OMVAPT 

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