Indian Railways Earns Over 2500 Crores By Selling Scraps

The Indian railways have had a great year so far because, in the first half of the current year, the sale of scrap generated revenue by Indian Railways is nearly Rs. 2500 crore, an increase of 28% from the previous year. Through the mobilisation of scrap materials and e-auction sales, the Indian Railway hopes to make use of resources.  

Indian Railways

According to a statement from the ministry of railways, "Indian Railways has earned a total of 2582 Crore through this sale compared to 2003 Cr. during the same period of last Financial Year 2021-22 which is 28.91% more." The target for revenue from the sale of scraps has been set at 4400 crores for the fiscal year 2022–2023, according to the ministry.

The ministry also reports that 3,93,421 MT of ferrous scrap was disposed of in 2022–2023 as opposed to 3,60,732 MT in 2021–2022. In addition, 1751 waggons, 1421 coaches, and 97 locomotives were disposed of in 2022–2023 as opposed to 1835 waggons, 954 coaches, and 77 locomotives in 2021–2022 up to September 2022, according to the statement.

Due to the rapid electrification of routes, scraps are mostly produced for the railways by laying new tracks, turning existing lines into new ones, abandoning existing structures, selling old locomotives, coaches, and waggons, and selling old excess or condemned diesel locomotives. Over the years, this has been an important source of income for the national transporter.

Indian Railways sells Scrap

The production and sale of unusable or scrap railroad material is a continuing operation that is closely supervised by the Railway Board and Zonal Railways. "Scrap is typically produced in gauge conversion efforts for construction projects. Items from the Released Permanent Way that are being sold for scrap cannot be used on a track. The Ministry stated in the announcement that these were disposed of in compliance with the Railways' Codal Provisions.

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