10 Beautiful Islands to Visit Before They Submerge

Climate change is a pressing issue, and its impact on our planet is undeniable. Among the many consequences, rising sea levels are threatening to submerge some of the world's most stunning islands. If you're a travel enthusiast with a passion for nature, these islands should be on your bucket list. Visit them before they are lost to the ocean.

1. Maldives: The Paradise on the Verge

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The Maldives, a tropical paradise known for its crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and luxurious overwater bungalows, is at significant risk of disappearing. With an average elevation of just 1.5 meters above sea level, the Maldives is the lowest-lying country in the world. Rising sea levels threaten to engulf this idyllic destination, making it a must-visit before it's too late.

2. Kiribati: A Pacific Gem Under Threat

Kiribati, a group of 33 atolls and reef islands in the central Pacific Ocean, is another destination facing the danger of submersion. The country's government has even purchased land in Fiji as a potential refuge for its people. Kiribati's unique culture, traditional practices, and beautiful landscapes are worth experiencing before they vanish beneath the waves.

3. Seychelles: A Slice of Heaven in the Indian Ocean

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Seychelles, an archipelago of 115 islands, is famous for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and unique granite rock formations. While some of the islands are relatively elevated, others are low-lying and vulnerable to rising sea levels. The rich biodiversity and natural beauty of Seychelles make it a destination you don't want to miss.

4. Tuvalu: The Vanishing Island Nation

Tuvalu, a Polynesian island nation in the Pacific Ocean, is one of the smallest and most remote countries in the world. With its highest point being just 4.6 meters above sea level, Tuvalu is highly susceptible to the effects of climate change. The rising tides are gradually eroding its land, threatening the livelihoods of its inhabitants.

5. Solomon Islands: A Tropical Treasure at Risk

Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands, an archipelago in the South Pacific, are known for their rugged terrain, volcanic islands, and dense rainforests. Rising sea levels, combined with deforestation and logging, have led to the erosion of many islands, putting their ecosystems and communities at risk.

6. Marshall Islands: A Land of Atolls in Danger

The Marshall Islands, located in the central Pacific Ocean, consist of 29 atolls and 5 islands. The nation is known for its stunning lagoons, rich marine biodiversity, and unique culture. However, with many of the islands barely above sea level, the threat of submersion is real.

7. Vanuatu: A South Pacific Paradise Facing Peril

Vanuatu country profile - BBC News

Vanuatu, a South Pacific island nation, is famous for its active volcanoes, lush jungles, and stunning beaches. However, Vanuatu is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, with frequent cyclones, earthquakes, and rising sea levels posing a constant threat to its islands.

8. Maldives of the Pacific: The Threatened Beauty of Palau

Palau, an island country in the western Pacific Ocean, is renowned for its marine life and pristine waters. While Palau is not as low-lying as some other islands on this list, it is still at risk due to rising sea levels. Its famous Jellyfish Lake and Rock Islands may soon be threatened by the changing climate.

9. Maldives of the Caribbean: The Sinking Islands of the Bahamas

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The Bahamas, a tropical paradise in the Atlantic Ocean, consists of over 700 islands and cays. While many of the islands are relatively elevated, others are low-lying and vulnerable to rising sea levels. The Bahamas’ coral reefs, marine life, and stunning beaches are at risk, making it a destination to visit while it still thrives.

10. Bangladesh’s Disappearing Islands: A Forgotten Beauty

While not a traditional tourist destination, Bangladesh’s islands in the Bay of Bengal are rapidly disappearing. These islands, known as chars, are home to thousands of people who face the constant threat of displacement due to rising sea levels and erosion. Visiting these islands offers a unique cultural experience and a sobering glimpse into the effects of climate change.


These islands offer unique experiences and breathtaking beauty, but they are also reminders of the urgent need to address climate change. Visiting these destinations not only allows you to witness their splendor but also supports the local communities that are on the front lines of this global crisis. Plan your trip soon, as these islands may not be around forever.



With inputs from agencies

Image Source: Multiple agencies

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