Twitter to Expand Tweet Character Limit to 10000

Elon Musk, who recently became the CEO of Twitter, announced that the company is planning to increase the character limit for tweets to 10,000. This came in response to a Twitter user's question about whether code blocks could be added to tweets. 

However, Musk did not clarify whether the feature would be available for all users or only for Twitter Blue subscribers. Twitter had previously increased the character limit to 280 in 2017 and to 4,000 for Twitter Blue subscribers in the United States a month ago.

Musk has hinted that subscription revenue may be the only way for Twitter to remain financially viable in the long run. However, as of January, Twitter Blue had less than 0.2% of monthly active users as subscribers. Musk has made several changes to Twitter since taking over as CEO, including bringing back banned or controversial accounts, introducing paid subscriptions for a Twitter blue badge, and adding gold and silver ticks. He has claimed that he expects Twitter to have more than one billion monthly users within the next 12 to 18 months.

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