Love using Headphones? How long is too long for using them?

In today's era, technology is changing and improving livelihood. Technology plays a crucial role in our lives. Nowadays, it is difficult to work without smartphones or other technologies.  As our society is becoming more connected through technology, the use of headphones has increased in past years. Headphones allow people to enjoy music anywhere, anytime and have conversations without disturbing anyone around. Headphones have taken place in our everyday essential gadgets list, but it has cons attached to them. 

Now the question arises, how long should we use headphones and at what volume level? 

Our ears’ inner layer is sensitive and contains thousands of cells, some of which have hair-like structures that enable the transmitting of sound from the ears back to the brain, where it is processed accordingly. Excess sound can have harmful effects on these cells, causing permanent damage and interrupting sound transmission. So now we can conclude that loud sound is hazardous to our ears.

Now let’s see-  How loud is too loud?

The sound we consume daily is measured in decibel level. Headphones and listening devices can be turned to maximum volume, which is around 100 to 110 decibels. If a person is exposed to the sound of 85 DB for 2 hours or more, it can cause ear damage, and exposure to a sound of 100 to 110 decibels can cause damage to the ear in just five minutes. The sound below or up to 70 decibels is unlikely to cause any damage to the ears.  

How long is too long when using headphones?  

 The volume and duration of sound exposure are important factors for precaution against ear damage. The louder sound has more capability to damage the ear within less time. It can cause damage to the ears and is irreversible. It is advised by doctors that headphones and hearing devices should be used at 60 % of their maximum volume for a total of 60 minutes a day. Experts and doctors say "damage caused by over usage and exposure to loud sound is reversible, by taking prevention."

Precautions against hearing loss for headphones

  • Turn down the volume of your hearing device or headphones
  • Take listening breaks.
  • Set up a volume limit 
  • Use the right types of headphones 
  • Get yourself tested 

Headphones are an inevitable part of this modern life, we should ensure our safety with them. Because as the common quote goes “When safety is first, you last.” 

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