Google announces E-SIM transfer feature in all Android phones by the end of 2023

At the ongoing Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Google unveiled multiple new features for Android. Among them is the promise to include eSIM transfer support for Android later this year, even though some of the features are already accessible to users. This feature will make it easy for users to switch their mobile plan to a new device without having to replace the physical SIM card. The eSIM transfer feature, which adheres to the GSMA worldwide standard, will eliminate the need for physically swapping out a SIM card when switching to a new phone. In a blog post by Google, it was announced that the new eSIM transfer feature will be available on Android devices later this year. While the rollout schedule has not been made public, Deutsche Telekom in Germany is expected to be the first carrier to receive the functionality. The post also mentioned that the new eSIM transfer feature will be based on the world standard set by GSMA, allowing users to switch to a new device and keep their current mobile plan without having to physically replace the SIM card.


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