Venus disappears behind the moon - A rare pic

The moon is as lonely as it is beautiful as it rules the night sky by itself. But last night he had a partner. 
On Friday, to the delight of both astronomers and sky enthusiasts, a rare event where the conjunction of the Moon and Venus graced the sky. 

Although Venus is called the "morning star" or "evening star" because it shines, Earth's twin was especially illuminated last night. And even rarer was its connection to the Moon. "The Venus and Moon, the brightest objects in the night sky, appeared in the same outlook, lined up, and Venus also slowly vanished behind the dark edge of the moon. This phenomenon, known as Occultation, was seen on Friday," senior researcher Indira Gandhi Planetarium officer Sumit Srivastava said.

 An eclipse is the same phenomenon as an eclipse, and a lunar eclipse of Venus refers to the Moon orbiting between Earth and Venus. 
The celestial bodies seemed close enough to almost touch  the earth on different sides, and netizens clearly understood the formation. And Venus, appearing as a small dot under the apparently larger crescent, made this room appear. The alluring sight was visible from many Indian cities, including Hyderabad, Lucknow and Kolkata.

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