Why Is XI JINPING the most feared man in the world?


A leader of a country which holds a power of culture, political fringes and history, a leader of a country that had influenced ideologies that laid foundations for countries and political groups and radicals - Thats Xi Jinping for you!

Today, we are here to talk about one leader who continues to unleash power and control over not just his own nation for decades together but even to a great extent in the world.

Who is he? And why is he considered one of the most feared men in the world? Hear on!

Lets first recount some of the recent events that bring a lot of us to this thought:

Number 1: On Oct. 24, 2022, Xi Jinping was re-elected to a third term as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party on October 23. His re-election, which came at the end of the CCP’s week-long congress, is a break from the party’s traditional limit of two terms for its leader while becoming the first leader of the ruling communist party after party founder Mao Zedong to get re-elected for an unprecedented third term in power with the prospect of ruling China for life.

Number 2: On Nov. 14, 2022, when Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden held their first in-person meeting since Biden took office in 2021 -  Xi stressed China's claims of sovereignty over Taiwan, Biden emphasized that he is not looking for “conflict” between the United States and China and that there is no need for a “new Cold War.”

Xi and Biden agreed in the meeting to restart climate talks between the two countries, which have been frozen since August 2022. Well the US is indeed the most powerful and vests the title of the largest economy in the world, but this doesn’t amuse the 2nd largest economy in China and their government in any manner.

Here we are talking about the most powerful and fearful national leader, or even Biden couldn’t stand a chance. In all likelihood. Xi Jinping is on another level and making him the president just added more to the effects of injecting super overlord serum, adding more to his presidential powers and functions, and rewriting the Chinese constitution under his regime.

Xi’s power comes mainly from the fact that China today is the second-largest economy in the world, most of the leeway, and flexibility of his powers derives from the current position he is in. The positive effect of his power draws from back on a high degree of integration with the global economy and thus predominates his powerful factors on board.

Also what makes Xi the most powerful man today are the choices he made after becoming general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in November 2012. Soon after, he became the president of China.

The regime backlashes many other powerful members of the CCP, eradicating them even by changing a powerful system of laws and the constitution abiding and holding countries polity.

His power influenced and manipulated throughout the country, with indispensable economic conditions, his overpowered system and the supportive idealists ascertaining his seat on the throne.

This could be commonly seen in most of the past dictators and other political leaders who turned out to be the worst yet loved by people, such as Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussien and Joseph Stalin. All these leaders were very much influential and powerful, yet the worst leaders the world has ever seen. Their common factor was being held up for their fascist, dictatorial and arbitrary form of governance. The reports of Chinese governance being intolerant toward other religious groups and faiths, overturning an absolute dictatorship indirectly despite being a republic and untrue curtains of democracy have been frequent in the past.

According to Mr Vijay Gokhale, a former foreign secretary who was for a while India’s Ambassador to China, pertaining to his third tenure and the type of governance he is flexing on as “not even Mao Zedong assumed this title. Moreover, Mao even at his peak had to sometimes share authority with Zhou Enlai and Liu Shaoqi”.

With no end in sight, power acquisition and power exercise have been coupled. The Chinese Constitution's two-term limit for the presidency was repealed in 2018, opening the door for more than two terms of Xi's presidency. Along with it, the Constitution also included a reference to "Xi Jinping Thought."

The amount of political power that Xi has amassed is difficult to imagine being matched by any other national leader among major powers. China is a risk to the world because of its political clout, which comes from its size and economic strength, and a politician who has devoted much of his time to monopolizing power. A person never does well when they have a concentration of enormous political power. Checks and balances are simply absent.

These balances are always important to maintain governance and democracy for the betterment of society - When executive actions are being checked and trimmed by the legislative to promulgate further organization and when the judiciary sorts all the arbitrary legislations and actions by the other two governments.

When you know the country’s chief executive vested a power that couldn’t be stricken or questioned, that’s where you know he should be feared.

Xi Jinping presents a threat to the world. And sometimes, to his own country too. Strong men are careful about what the public gets to know about their past. Therefore, it is wise to be sceptical about their authorized stories.

Given this caveat, it is worth thinking about something that Xi mentioned in a 2004 interview. XI, a chemical engineer from Tsinghua University, was born in 1953 into the family of one of the founders of CCP. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is the world's largest prison for journalists, plus their index of freedom has declined to 177 out of 180, because of the authoritarian impositions that Xi upholds.

Currently, western political scientists do not recognize China as a liberal democracy. Instead, many western minds categorize China as an authoritarian state which has been characterized as a dictatorship.

But who is Xi Jinping and what does he really want? To rejuvenate China and bring economic prosperity to all its people? Or should we fear him? To challenge American supremacy and turn China into the world’s dominant power? Well, a nuclear power state with power-manifested governance, of course, a man all the governments should watch out for.

The debate continues to hang in balance.

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