It's been a month since Indian wrestlers started protesting at JantarMantar, Delhi. Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia with others are sitting at JantarMantar demanding justice against sexual harassment of women wrestlers by WFI Chief. All the wrestlers just want WFI Chief Brij Bhushan Singh to resign from his post and proper legal action should be taken against him.
These wrestlers started their protest on 23 April and on this Tuesday, they completed a month, but no hard and fast action has been taken yet. 2 FIR failed and then it wasn't even made public. A few days ago, Brij Bhushan Singh agreed to undergo a narco test but with a condition. Someone is trying to save Brij Bhushan Singh. All this mess has increased to another level that Sports Minister Anurag Thakur has nothing to do but is asking wrestlers to stop the protest.
With all this background, we can't ignore the upcoming Asian games and World Championship which will be held in the month of September. During this period, all the wrestlers have to be on their practice schedule, concentrating physically and mentally on their game and working hard to achieve another wrestling medal for India. But they have to protest for justice. If they stop protesting at this moment, many other women who face sexual harassment will keep quiet for the rest of their lives.
The World Championship is the extremely important qualification event for wrestling. Wrestling is a more physically dominated game, but if players are not mentally clear and focused, they can't take the risk playing at games without having proper training.
This may put wrestlers'careers at risk and may miss another chance for India to win medals.
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