People naming cockroaches after ex-girlfriends in Canadian Zoo

A Canadian zoo has recently been making headlines for an unusual trend: people naming cockroaches after their ex-girlfriends. This bizarre trend has been observed by the staff of the St. Thomas Zoological Park in Ontario, Canada.

It all began when the zoo started offering people the chance to name their own cockroaches. The “Name Your Roach” program was created as a fun way for people to get involved with the zoo and to help raise money for the zoo’s conservation efforts. The program has been a hit with people, who have named over 160 cockroaches since its inception.

What has surprised the zoo’s staff is the sheer number of people who have chosen to name the roaches after former partners. They estimate that around 15% of the cockroaches have been named after ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends. While some of the names have been lighthearted and humorous, others have taken on a more serious and somewhat vengeful tone.


There are many different ways that people cope with breakups, and some may be considered strange or unusual by others. Some examples of strange things people do after breakups include:

  • Changing their appearance drastically, such as cutting their hair or drastically losing/gaining weight.
  • Going on a social media purge, unfollowing or blocking the ex on all platforms.
  • Engaging in excessive partying or other reckless behaviour.
  • Travelling to a completely different location, in order to escape memories.
  • Buying a pet fills the emotional void.
  • Seeking revenge on the ex by damaging their reputation or property.
  • Engaging in excessive cleaning or organizing to distract themselves.
  • Joining a gym or taking up a new hobby to channel their energy
  • Seeking comfort in food, overeating or undereating.
  • Engaging in self-harm or other dangerous activities.

Everyone deals with breakups in their own way and there is no right or wrong way to do so. To each his own, yeah?

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