Now 'Pepper X' is the hottest chilli of World

‘Pepper X’ has officially broken the record for the world’s hottest chilli pepper, with an average rating of 2,693,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU). This beats the previous record holder, the Carolina Reaper, which averages 1.64 million SHU. The Guinness World Records (GWR) has described the Carolina Reaper as hundreds of times hotter than a jalapeño pepper, but Pepper X is even hotter.

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From where does the world's spiciest chilli originate?

Pepper X’ was grown by Ed Currie, the founder of Puckerbutt Pepper Company in the US. Currie is also the creator of the Carolina Reaper, the previous record holder. Currie unveiled ‘Pepper‘P X’ on an episode of the hit YouTube series Hot Ones.

This is a remarkable achievement for Currie and his team at Puckerbutt Pepper Company. ‘Pepper X’ is over 50% hotter than the Carolina Reaper, making it the hottest chilli pepper in the world by a significant margin.


Currie is also the originator of the Carolina Reaper, which won the title in 2013. He introduced Pepper X to the public on the YouTube series "Hot Ones." According to the official GWR website, Currie cultivated the pepper on his farm for more than a decade, interbreeding it with his most popular peppers to increase the capsaicin content.


What is capsaicin content?

Capsaicin is the compound in chilli peppers that gives them their burning and irritating effect. It also causes pain, which makes it a valuable tool for studying pain.

What causes the extreme spiciness of Pepper X?



A post shared by Ed Currie (@smokined)

Capsaicin, a compound found in chilli peppers, is responsible for the distinct "burning sensation" when you eat them. The Scoville scale, developed by American chemist Wilbur Scoville in the early 1900s, measures capsaicin concentration. Contrary to a common myth about chilli seeds, the Guinness World Records (GWR) site has clarified that capsaicin is located in the placenta, the part that houses the seeds. The unique structure of Pepper X, with its numerous curves and ridges, provides ample space for the placenta to develop, intensifying its spiciness.

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