New coral reef discovered in Galapagos Islands with abundant marine life

A scientific expedition off Ecuador's Galapagos Islands has made a remarkable discovery of a previously unknown coral reef with abundant marine life. The Environment Minister, Jose Davalos, announced on Twitter that a deepwater expedition had found a pristine coral reef, two kilometers long and 400 meters deep, on the summit of a submarine mountain. More than 50% of the reef is made up of living coral, which is several thousand years old at least.

New coral reef

This discovery is significant, given that many deepwater systems around the world are degraded. The Galapagos Islands, which inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, are also home to giant tortoises, albatrosses, and other endangered species. Last year, Ecuador expanded the Galapagos marine reserve to protect migratory species between the Galapagos and Costa Rica's Cocos Island.

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