Is death the only truth of life??

We all are living a life and are in a race to reach somewhere, but have you ever thought what is the ultimate truth of life and why we all are here? 

It is said that we can not really live without understanding death. The Biggest lesson death imparts is impermanence. Our entire life, we are in search of something permanent - a forever. We want something in our life which will make us believe that we will be around always. We want to be more than just a chance creation, which will soon be forgotten into oblivion. We all know that the end for all of us is death but still, we run after such things in life which are of no importance if one were to truly reflect. People keep trying to make themselves better and wealthier than others all their lives. The constant chase of material - who has how much money, who has how many cars, whose house is bigger. We consider all of these as the goals of our lives, but the question is can we keep all of this with us forever?

Death is the baseline of life. If you do not understand death, you will never know life, nor can you deal with life, because life and death are like inhalation and exhalation. They occur together, inseparably. Spiritual cycle begins only when you are confronted with death – either your own one or that of someone who is dear to you, someone you thought you could not live without. When death is nearing or when it happens, that is when the question comes up in most people’s minds, “What is this all about? What will happen beyond this?” As long as the experience of life looks like so real, you cannot believe it is all going to be over just like that. But once death is near, the mind will project that there must be something more. However much the mind projects, it does not know because the mind processes only based on the data that it has already collected.

Death is considered to be the ultimate truth of life because it’s inevitable and unavoidable. Humans get so busy in the hurry to get and win something in life that we do not see anything else and make such mistakes which are difficult to correct.

Death and Life

What we do in life, how we make our relationships with people work -  that perhaps is the only thing that will be remembered by the people once we are gone. Not our money, not our flashy cars, not the branded bags. As birth is fixed, death is also certain and no matter what we do, no one can stop it. People need to understand that dwelling in the past or dreaming of the future is not to be given more attention than it deserves. One should always concentrate the mind on the present moment.

The most important thing we forget in life is to live it, time runs very quickly and we just waste it by thinking of some immaterial things which don’t really matter in life. What people say about you, shouldn’t worry you unless you are clear about what you are doing and how you want to be. Death isn’t supposed to scare you but inspire you to do good in life. People in their whole life keep planning their future and what they will do after 5 years and so on, but, how are we even sure we will wake up tomorrow? 

There is no doubt that death is the reality of life but we should always keep in mind that life is equally important and precious and we should always give it more importance and live it with purpose and live it to the fullest. Like Hector Garcia says in Ikigai - “There is no future, no past. There is only the present.”

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