What is 'Friendship Marriage' ; A Rising Trend in Japan?

Forget the conventional lovey-dovey stuff! 

Young people in Japan have a fresh take on relationships or what Genz says ‘situationship’, it is called ‘Friendship Marriages.’It is all platonic partnership with no space for romantic love or sexual intimacy. More like Bromance over Romance.


What exactly is friendship Marriage?

Friendship Marriage, as per the South China Morning Post, is like picking a partner based on shared hobbies, values, and respect, not just love or sex.

It's all about being legal spouses without the romantic love or sexual intimacy, maybe living together or not, and even considering artificial insemination for children. 

So basically, after this ‘friendship’ marriage, the couple can choose to live together or separately, it's up to them. Moreover, both can explore romantic relationships elsewhere with mutual consent. 

friendship marriage

You have to Marry your Best Friend?

Not exactly, it is not about marrying a best friend. Instead, couples talk a lot before getting married on details of their life, such as whether to eat meals together, how to split expenses, who does the laundry and how to allocate refrigerator space. Despite seeming unromantic, such discussions have helped nearly 80% of couples in this relationship type to live together happily, Colours said. 

It's a relationship like one has with a roommate who's into the same things and has the same interests, putting friendship first and romance on second priority. 

friendship marriage

Is this trend really popular? 

Well, Yes!

Colorus, Japan's only agency for ‘Friendship Marriage’ unions, sees around 1,240,000 potential candidates, that is around one percent of Japan's 124 million population.

According to data from Colours, approximately 500 individuals have embraced this unconventional form of union since its inception in March 2015. The agency revealed that some couples have even ventured into parenthood, challenging traditional family structures and redefining the concept of household formation.

frienship marriage

The thing is that, the people who are into this type of relationship are usually around 32.5 years old and earn more than the average income. According to Colorus, approximately 85 percent of them have at least a bachelor’s degree.

Interestingly, it has attracted people of different sexual orientations, like asexuals, homosexuals, and heterosexuals who are not keen on traditional marriage norms, as there is the absence of legal recognition of same-sex marriage in Japan.

Some women in Japan are also using this new trend to benefit from tax advantages linked to marriage. Single women often struggle to start families due to challenges they face. According to SCMP, over 70 percent of those entering friendship marriages do so to have children.

couple in japan

However, it's not always roses of bed for all, this kind of relationship may end in divorce, but it is surely beneficial. How? I “help those who feel lost, dislike traditional marriage, or consider themselves social outcasts' ', Colorus was quoted as saying by the publication.

This trend comes at a time when Japan is grappling with declining marriage rates and a shrinking population, prompting individuals to seek alternative models of connection and companionship.


Overall, Japan's Friendship Marriage trend showcases the importance of flexibility and acceptance in modern relationships, challenging norms and celebrating diverse connections. With around one per cent of Japan's population considering this alternative form of union, it reflects a broader societal shift towards redefining norms and embracing non-traditional lifestyles.

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