Could You Play the Post-it Challenge on Your Next Party?

Post-it challenge, a cool way to learn how high we can jump, and an interesting way to make our party fun!

Basically, in this particular challenge that is taking rounds on Youtube trends, one takes a sticky note and jumps as high as he/she can and sticks it on the wall till the height they reach. Everyone one by one takes their chance and sticks the note up high on the wall while trying to climb it 3-4 steps as well. The one who manages to stick the note highest wins the game.

Or the other way to play this game is to see how many number of notes you can stick on a particular area of your body. For example, one can take up the challenge and post sticky notes as many as he can but just on his/her face. And the one who sticks most of the notes on their face wins.

Try and play it at your next party and let us know how fun it was.

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