10 Surprising Countries That Prioritize Happiness Above All Else


Bhutan: The small Himalayan nation of Bhutan has long prioritized the concept of Gross National Happiness over Gross National Product as a measure of success.

Finland: The Finnish government has made it a priority to promote happiness and well-being as part of their national strategy, with a focus on maintaining strong social connections, access to nature, and access to quality education.

Denmark: The Danish concept of hygge, or "coziness," emphasizes the importance of social connections, simplicity, and comfort in promoting happiness.

Canada: Canadian government's strategy for promoting happiness among its citizens includes improving work-life balance, increasing access to mental health services, and promoting active and healthy lifestyles.

New Zealand: The government of New Zealand has prioritized promoting happiness and well-being as a crucial part of its national development strategy, focusing on preserving and protecting the natural environment.

Finland - happiest country in the world

Iceland: Iceland strongly emphasizes social welfare and community support, and the country consistently ranks among the top nations in measures of happiness and well-being.

Netherlands: The Dutch government promotes happiness by investing in cycling infrastructure, encouraging people to cycle and promoting an active lifestyle

Costa Rica: Costa Rica is a leader in sustainable development and conservation. Its citizens have a high level of access to nature and outdoor activities, which are believed to contribute to happiness.

Switzerland: Switzerland is known for its high quality of life and focus on work-life balance, which is believed to contribute to happiness among its citizens.

Singapore: The Singapore government has a holistic approach to promoting happiness, which includes investing in healthcare, education, and housing, encouraging social cohesion and encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle

These are some of the countries that promote happiness and well-being as a core goal but keep in mind that different cultures, societies and governments have different ways of promoting happiness and well-being, and this list is not exhaustive.

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