Top 5 Countries to aim for if you want to settle abroad after Post grad

Finishing your postgrad is a huge achievement, if you've come this far then congratulations to you! What you do from this point on, will be very essential for building your future life. 

A postgrad degree is one of the most prestigious stages of education, whether it be a Master's degree or a PhD. Very few people are fortunate to be holding these titles. Although the title is exclusive, the job opportunities aren't that hard to get. Almost every country is looking for skilled professionals, but not every country offers the best lifestyle.

Not to worry, here we will give you the top countries to aim for after your post-graduation to get the life you wish for: 



The Great White North offers diversity, unlike any other country. The country is known to respect all cultures and traditions making it one of the best countries to work in, for new graduates. Canada is also appealing to new graduates as it provides a safe environment with good quality of life. It's a great place to build your life. Almost all professions are valued in Canada but the medical sciences are the most in demand.


Offering cheap living costs and low crime rates Germany can be perfect for a fresh start. If you are a qualified student who is good at what you do and are dedicated, Germany is the country for you. 


Germany houses many respected research institutes offering great opportunities to PhD students. It also offers great opportunities in the telecommunications and tourism industries. 

#3 UK

An attraction for the entire world for multiple reasons, the United Kingdom also attracts a lot of international students towards its countless job opportunities. Job opportunities are extremely vast especially if you are an engineer or part of the business sector. 


Although the living costs in the UK are quite high, the United Kingdom makes up for that by offering many leisure activities, scenic views and most of all free NHS health insurance to job visa holders. 



The island is one of the best countries for the environmental industry. The country has good quality of life and has comparatively cheap living costs. Australia also offers great leisure activities, many sports are offered in the county including tennis, swimming and cricket. The country thrives in the service sector and the export of commodities. 


Ranking 6th among the world's happiest countries, the Netherlands offers not just job opportunities but also a calm and relaxing life. With easy public transportation throughout the country, nice people and beautiful views, you can understand why the Netherlands attracts a lot of people.


The Netherlands was ranked in the top 3 countries for entrepreneurs. It also has a lot to offer to mechanical and chemical engineers, teachers and medical staff.  If you get a job in the Netherlands then you'll also be eligible for the '30% ruling', where you'll receive 30% of your salary paid to you tax-free for a maximum of eight years to cover the costs of relocating. 

Although few countries value some professions compared to others, these 5 countries offer good jobs to all professional degree holders. Keep in mind that these countries offer jobs to dedicated and impressive students. So, try your best and hope for the best! 

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