What are Twitter cashtags?

On April 13, Elon Musk's Twitter announced a collaboration with the trading business eToro that will enable users to trade stocks and other securities, including cryptocurrency, on Twitter. Twitter users now have access to a wider range of financial data thanks to the agreement.

Prior to its original launch in 2012, Twitter's 'Cashtag' feature allowed users to view pricing graphs of popular stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies by tweeting their symbol, followed by a '$' sign, a ticker, and a ticker symbol, which produced the appearance of a clickable link. This capability was announced back in December 2022.  "A cashtag is a company ticker symbol preceded by the US dollar sign, e.g. $TWTR. When you click on a cashtag, you'll see other Tweets mentioning that same ticker symbol". The corporate glossary of terms stated. 

Twitter Business explained in December 2022, “When you Tweet the symbol of a major stock, ETF, or cryptocurrency with a $ in front of it (like $BTC), people on Twitter see a clickable link that takes them to search results. You can also search for symbols directly, without clicking on a link within a Tweet. Most symbols with and without the $ sign will work in search (QQQ or $QQQ).”

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