White supremacists march in Florida with Swastika flags and Hitler Salutes

Just days after a shooter motivated by racial hate killed 3 people in Jacksonville Florida, news comes in that White supremacists have started a weekend march by blocking roads and waving swastika flags. 

White supremacists march in Florida with Swastika flags and Hitler Salutes

These Neo-Nazi groups are known by many names like Blood Tribe and Red Shirts. They are extreme white supremacist groups who support anti-Semitic, racist, and homophobic ideologies and have taken Orlando Florida’s rods, some marchers even receded the Walt Dinsey Theme Park’s gate while doing the Hieln Hitler Salute. 

White supremacists march in Florida with Swastika flags and Hitler Salutes

This rally took place just days after Shooter Ryan Palmeter, went into a general store in Jacksonville and shot 3 black people with Swastikas painted in his gun. 


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