Taliban bans Afghan women from working with United Nations

The Taliban's order to bar Afghan women from working with the United Nations is deeply concerning and has serious implications for the rights and well-being of Afghan women. It is a clear violation of their basic human rights and their right to work.

Afghan women have made significant progress in the last two decades, particularly in education and employment. The UN has been a key partner in this progress, providing support and opportunities for Afghan women to participate in public life and contribute to the development of their country.

The Taliban's decision to bar Afghan women from working with the UN is a major setback for these efforts, and threatens to erode the gains made by Afghan women over the past two decades. It also sends a disturbing message about the Taliban's commitment to gender equality and the rights of women.

It is important for the international community to speak out against this decision and to continue to support Afghan women in their efforts to participate in public life and contribute to their country's development. The UN should work with other international organizations and governments to ensure that Afghan women are not excluded from important opportunities and that their rights are protected.

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