Syria to return to the Arab League after 12 years

Syria is a part of the Arab League again. The Arab League welcomed Syria back to the council on 7 May, Sunday. Chairperson of the 159th session of the Arab League Council, Mr. Sameh Shoukry said that the Syrian government delegation can now participate in the meetings and organizations of the Arab League.

The Arab League is an organization found in 1945 for the economic and political growth of the region, consisting of 22 nations as members and four nations as observers.

Syria got suspended from the Arab League in 2011. The reason behind this is that Syria failed to control the violence, crackdown by the government.  Lastly, Syria attended the Arab League in 2010 in Libya. Since then, Syria hasn’t attended a single meeting of the Arab League.

The restoration of Syria is the result of a ministerial level conference of the Arab League to discuss the issues and development in Sudan, Syria, and Palestine.

The Arab League clarified the need for effective efforts to resolve the issue of Syria and provide aid to the people in need according to step by step principles related to the UN Security Council in the meeting held on Sunday, 7 May.

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