SUV intentionally mows down people in front of a Texas homeless shelter, leaving at least 7 dead

Seven people were killed in a road accident on the streets of Brownsville, Texas by an SUV on Sunday 7 May. A Range Rover crashed on a curb, hurting people at the bus stop near Ozanam Centre for homeless and migrant people. The incident took place at 8 in the morning, when people were just standing at the bus stop. The driver of the SUV came yelling at people standing there and then went through them with his car at high speed.
Police said that it was not an accident but an intentional planned thing. But things are still under investigation. The driver was under checking whether he is intoxicated or not. He is under police observation in hospital for some tests. He is charged with reckless driving. It is supposed that more charges may apply to him. The accident scene is extremely bloody and miserable. Lots of people were there on the road in blooded clothes. Within seven died, 11 people are injured and are at hospital for treatment but condition is unknown yet.

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