Self Driving Taxis to debut in Dubai next month

Dubai is preparing to launch self-driving taxis on its streets in the next month. After years of meticulous planning and digital mapping efforts, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) is set to debut five autonomous taxis along an eight-kilometre route connecting the Tahad Museum to the Dubai Water Canal on Jumeirah Road.

This ambitious endeavour is made possible through a collaboration between RTA and Cruise, a subsidiary of General Motors renowned for its self-driving technology. The initiative is expected to significantly enhance road safety by reducing accidents caused by human errors.

While the self-driving taxis won't carry passengers initially, select individuals will have the opportunity to experience this innovative mode of transportation later this year. Full commercial operations are anticipated to commence in the second half of 2024, marking Dubai as the first city outside the United States to operate Cruise self-driving vehicles commercially.

Photo: Dubai

Passenger convenience is a priority, with autonomous taxis equipped with personal USB ports and digital displays for ride information. Booking these driverless taxis will be effortless via the Txai app, available for download on both Apple and Google Play stores.

Dubai's move to introduce self-driving taxis aligns with its broader Smart Self-Driving Transport Strategy, aiming to make 25% of the city's mobility journeys smart and driverless by 2030. With the successful digital mapping of Jumeirah 1 and the imminent deployment of autonomous taxis, Dubai takes a significant step toward achieving this visionary goal.

Though the exact fare for these driverless cabs is yet to be determined, it is expected to be on par with limo taxis, typically priced around 30% higher than regular cabs in Dubai. The vehicles are all-electric, environmentally friendly, and feature advanced LiDAR systems, cameras, and radars to navigate and avoid obstacles.

The decision to launch self-driving taxis in Jumeirah highlights Dubai's commitment to innovation and transportation improvement. These autonomous taxis will adhere to speed limits in the area, ensuring passenger safety.

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