Parents buy 5-year-old a Mercedes to motivate her to go to school

All of us had temper tantrums as kids to get out of going to school. Our parents would come up with creative arguments to get us to attend school.

To encourage their five-year-old daughter to attend school, a Malaysian couple gave her a high-end SUV. Farhana Zahra, an entrepreneur, claimed that her five-year-old daughter Fatima stopped attending school in January after becoming ill.


After becoming better, the young girl objected to attending school, saying she was too young. Farhana asked her daughter what she wanted for her impending birthday in an effort to encourage her to attend school.

The five-year-old informed her mother that she preferred a Mercedes G Waggon over a BMW. Fatima struck a pact with Farhana that if she received a Mercedes G Waggon, she would go to school.


A commitment made with a pinky finger sealed the deal. At a function lately, luxury was presented. Fatima is seen being led by her parents while wearing a blindfold to the surprise birthday gift.

As soon as her wish came true, the girl vowed to her parents that she would enroll in school and pursue a career as a doctor. Farhana claimed that in order to inspire their daughter to attend school and realize her dream of becoming a doctor, she and her husband gave her the car.

The five-year-old received praise from many online users who called her lucky, while others condemned her parents for indulging her.

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