Italy: The Grand Canal in Venice turns vibrant green in colour

On May 28, a section of Venice's Grand Canal turned brilliant green, forcing authorities to investigate amid allegations that environmentalists were pulling a prank. From the Rialto Bridge up and down a portion of the Canal, gondoliers could be seen punting over the luminescent waters as tourists snapped pictures of the green landscape. According to the president of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia, the hue was initially noticed by locals. To look into the source of the liquid, the prefect "has called an urgent meeting with the police," he added.


The regional environmental protection agency in Italy's fire department said that it was working with them to collect samples for analysis. The Grand Canal's transformation into a green area has happened before. During the 34th Venice Biennale in 1968, Argentine artist Nicolas Garcia Uriburu painted the Grand Canal of Venice green with a fluorescent dye as a publicity stunt to raise awareness of environmental issues. According to the local newspaper La Nuova Venezia, police were investigating if Sunday's activity may have been a protest by environmentalists.

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