Iran continues on the path of Humanitarian crisis as 3 more protestors are executed

On Monday, Iran's news agency reported that a court had sentenced three more anti-government protesters to death on charges of "waging war on God," drawing international criticism for its harsh crackdown on protesters. Iran hanged two men on Saturday for allegedly killing a security force member during nationwide protests following the murder of 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman Mahsa Amini on September 16, drawing condemnation from the European Union, the United States, and other Western nations. One of them was a karate champion with a few public titles.

Sources claim that Saleh Mirhashemi, Majid Kazemi, and Saeid Yaghoubi, who were found guilty of allegedly murdering members of the volunteer Basij militia during anti-government protests in the central city of Isfahan, have the right to appeal their convictions. The elite Revolutionary Guards-affiliated Basij forces have been at the forefront of the state's crackdown on protests against the country's regressive rules. Iran's execution of protesters was condemned by Pope Francis on Monday. Following the recent demonstrations demanding greater respect for the dignity of women, the right to life is also threatened in places where the death penalty is still in place, as it is currently the case in Iran," Francis stated.


One of the boldest difficulties to the administrative authority since the 1979 unrest, the fights have attracted help from Iranians of varying backgrounds and tested the Islamic Republic's authenticity by requiring the defeat of its rulers. Iran's Preeminent Chief Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Monday flagged the state has no goal of relaxing its situation, saying in a broadcast discourse that the people who "put a match to public spots have committed treachery with no question". Treason is a crime that can result in death under Islamic law in Iran. Rights activists believe that the clerical establishment's executions, arrests, and harsh sentences for protesters are an attempt to intimidate them and instill enough fear in the population to put an end to the unrest.

Notwithstanding the foundation multiplying down on constraint, limited-scope fights endure in Tehran, Isfahan, and a few different urban communities. Something like four individuals has been hanged since the shows began, as per the legal executive, remembering two dissidents for Saturday for purportedly killing an individual from the Basij. Last month, Amnesty International stated that in "sham trials designed to intimidate protesters," Iranian authorities are seeking the death penalty for at least 26 others. Activists via web-based entertainment guaranteed two different dissenters, 22-year-old Mohammad Ghobadlou and 18-year-old Mohammad Boroughani, had been moved to isolation in front of their execution in the Rajai Shahr jail in Karaj City.

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