Heatwaves caused 15,700 deaths in Europe in 2022 :UN report

According to the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) 2022 annual report, the world has experienced an increase in the frequency of droughts, floods, and heat waves due to record amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. Heatwaves will be blamed for at least 15,700 deaths in Europe in 2022.

Real-time data from specific areas indicated that the amounts of three greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide - continued to grow in 2022, according to a study by the UN agency WMO. Every continent and nation, including India, experienced droughts, floods, and heat waves, which caused billions of dollars in damage.


According to the paper, the melting of certain European glaciers is out of this world, and Antarctic sea ice has reached its lowest point in history. The previous eight years have seen the highest global average temperature on record; in 2022, it was 1.15°C higher than the average for the period between 1850 and 1900.

People all around the globe are being negatively impacted by extreme weather and climate events, according to a statement released today by WMO Secretary-General Peteri Taalas. "Populations all over the world are being severely impacted by these events, even as greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and climate change continues," he added.

For instance, in 2022, a protracted drought in East Africa, record-breaking rains in Pakistan, and record-breaking heatwaves in China and Europe might have an impact on millions of people, worsen food insecurity, lead to mass migration, and cause damage. And did damage worth billions of dollars, according to Mr. Talas. According to the research, the monsoon arrived in India sooner than usual in 2022 and returned later than usual. In addition, it was unusually warm over neighboring Pakistan and India during the pre-monsoon season.


According to the research, the severe heat caused several forest fires and decreased food production, particularly in Uttarakhand, a mountainous state. In India and Pakistan, crop yields have fallen as a result of the 2022 pre-monsoon season's heat waves. This has decreased availability together with a prohibition on rice shipments to India and a ban on wheat exports at the commencement of the crisis in Ukraine.

According to the WMO assessment, nations already experiencing shortages of staple foods face significant risk due to the availability and stability of such items in international food markets. Throughout the monsoon season, India also faced considerable floods, particularly in the northeast in June 2022. Over 700 individuals lost their lives to floods and landslides throughout the season, while over 900 more died from lightning. a death.


From mid-June until the end of August 2022, China saw the largest and longest heatwave on record, which contributed to the warmest summer on record by a difference of more than 0.5 °C. Went. A large portion of China's southern half, with the exception of Guangdong Province, saw seasonal rainfall that was 20 to 50 percent below average. This made it the second driest summer on record.

The three summer months saw substantial heat waves in Europe as well as other parts of the world. According to the analysis, the summer's unusual heat was responsible for almost 4,600 fatalities in Spain, 4,500 in Germany, 2,800 deaths among seniors in the UK, 2,800 deaths in France, and 1,000 deaths in Portugal. Midway through July 2022, the most incredible heatwave happened.

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