FTC targets Meta: Proposes ban on profiting from minors’ data

The Federal Trade Commission blamed Meta’s Facebook for misleading parents of young Facebook users about control and privacy over their accounts. Taking the help of the 2020 agreement on privacy, the FTC clearly mentioned that Facebook put parents in question about how much they can control their child’s account and with whom they talk and also about the access that app developers have.

Facebook has 5.2% and Instagram has 12.6% of child users. Facebook used to make profit from child users’ data. Now the FTC has proposed a ban on Facebook's policy of profiting from data of users under 18. It also prohibits virtual reality and face recognition tactics for profit-making. This rule will definitely be a hurdle for upcoming projects of Meta.

Facebook has already breached its privacy policy twice and settled with the FTC. In 2012, it misguided its users about how much control they had on their private data. For that reason, Facebook paid $5 billion as a fine. In 2020, they paid the same amount as civil penalties for the Cambridge Analytica Scandal.

But for now, the FTC has given 3 days to Meta to challenge this finding. 

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