Fox News pays $787 Million to settle defamation lawsuit by Dominion over fake news

Fox News has reached a settlement with Dominion Voting Systems after a two-year legal battle. The network will pay over $787 million, making it the largest defamation settlement involving a media company in US history. The settlement was reached just hours after the jury was sworn in at the Delaware Superior Court, and it ends what was dubbed the media "trial of the century." During the legal battle, Fox News was accused of broadcasting false assertions that Dominion rigged the presidential election, damaging its credibility.

Although the court found certain claims about Dominion to be false, Fox News will not have to admit on-air that it spread lies about the company. The settlement between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems means that top Fox News executives and on-air personalities such as Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson will be exempt from testifying about their 2020 election coverage. During that coverage, Fox News was accused of spreading falsehoods about voter fraud, leading to criticism of the network. The settlement is a significant blow to Fox News and its reputation, raising questions about its journalistic integrity.

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