China sends first civilian astronaut to space as Shenzhou-16 lifts off

China launched its new aircraft Shenzhou 16 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre on Tuesday morning at 9:31 for its second in-orbit rotation. For this purpose, with another two astronauts, China has sent its first civilian astronaut into orbit. 

Their destination is Tiangong Space Station and they will be there for almost 5 months. This is marked as the 5th manned mission in China. This first civilian astronaut is Professor Gui, from Beihang University. He is supposed to operate payloads for this experiment and the other two, Jing Hiepeng and Zhu Yangzhu, will handle spacecraft and technical tests. With this launch, Jing marked his fourth round in space. 

Basic development of the Tiangong space station has been done and this mission to the space station will be a big achievement in China's space research. Through this project, China is trying to establish its base on the Moon and will send the first man from China to the Moon by the end of 2030. Its ultimate aim is to do lunar scientific exploration. 

China is not part of the collective efforts of various countries' 'International Space Station Programme', but soon China will take its place at a higher level if it is successful in this mission.

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