Canadian party takes a stand against deportation of 150 Punjabi students

As per the Canadian Border Security Agency, the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada has urged the government to refrain from deporting 150 Punjabi students who were instructed to leave the country after being found with fraudulent college admission letters upon their arrival. These students, whose deportation is slated for May 29, claim that they were victims of deception by an immigration consultation agency in India, which provided them with counterfeit documents without their knowledge.In a statement issued on Friday, the NDP emphasized that international students who were deceived by unscrupulous recruiters should not bear the consequences of their actions.

Highlighting the issue, Jenny Kwan, the NDP critic for Citizenship and Immigration, expressed concern regarding the potential deportation of students who arrived in Canada for their university education. Kwan urgently contacted Immigration Minister Sean Fraser on May 25, urging immediate action to assist these students who unknowingly obtained fraudulent travel documents from individuals seeking financial gain through deceitful means.

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