At age 11, an autistic girl with an IQ higher than Einstein earns a master's degree

The record-breaking IQ of an 11-year-old girl stands higher than Great Physician Stephen Hawking and Scientist Albert Einstein. Adhara Perez Sanchez, a child in Mexico who is incredibly smart despite being an autistic patient, i.e. has development ability. When she was very young, she had a speech regression. Soon she will be holding a master's degree in hands at the age of 11.
Adhara completed high school when she was 7. Then she went for graduation. She completed her System engineering and Industrial engineering specialization in Maths from Technological University of Mexico. Now she is working with a Mexican space agency as a space exploration promoter amongst youngsters. 
But she had faced many challenges in her early years when her school teachers and batch mates were not supportive and used to tease her. She faced bullying in school. Her mother Nayeli Sanchez said that she changed her school 3 times because of this. She used to live isolated and did not mix with anyone. Even her teachers were not kind to her and did not show empathy at all. Her therapist suggested sending her to the Centre for Attention to Talent (CEDAT), where her IQ was tested and it is162.
Overcoming this situation and being different from the other children of her age, this fellow Adhara wants to join NASA, a US space agency, and she is giving her 100% for that.

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