A Man Climbed on top of a Public Artwork in Canada, got Trapped inside, Fined Rs. 4 Lakh

After getting trapped inside a piece of public art in Edmonton, Canada, and is needed to be rescued by firemen, a 26-year-old man was charged with mischief and given a fine of $5,000 (about 4 lakhs). To free the trapped man, the artwork, which is composed of enormous silver metal spheres, was cut open.

A passerby on April 9 reported an unusual sight, prompting firefighters to be sent to the Talus Dome sculpture at 8:30 pm, according to CBC News. A bystander recorded the incident on his phone and peered inside the sculpture to get a better look, and the footage of the incident has now gone viral.

A Man Climbed on top of a Public Artwork in Canada, got Trapped inside, Fined Rs. 4 Lakh

The individual, according to the authorities, had climbed to the top of the creation, damaging a number of its balls, and then got trapped inside. According to an Edmonton fire rescue services representative, the call was handled by three teams, including a technical rescue team.

(Photo: CTV Edmonton)

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