98-year-old Chicago man continues to work as the oldest full-time employee

Chicago native Joe Grier, who recently turned 98, has worked seven days a week for his entire life. Grier, who is one of the oldest full-time workers in the nation, spoke to Fox 32 Chicago about his steadfast work ethic.

Grier works for Victory, a Chicago-based manufacturing company, where he focuses on making trophy and award moulds. His narrative has drawn interest online, enthralling internet users who are anxious to learn more about this exceptional person.

Grier highlighted his enthusiasm and connection to his work in an interview with Fox 32, and he credited his longevity to a good outlook. Drawing from his extensive life experiences, he emphasised the value of one's viewpoint in overcoming the obstacles of life and said that one can usually find humour in them.

He makes moulds every day for different trophies and awards. I'm glad about it. I'm able to relate myself to things that I've previously done. He told Fox 32 in Chicago that it was a habit.Victory's president, Eric Priceman, praised Grier for his unwavering commitment and called him a treasured mentor who has given the business priceless information throughout the years.

Grier demonstrated his resiliency and dedication by continuing to train new staff at the Victory factory despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. His continued involvement in the workplace is further evidenced by the fact that his time with the organisation spans numerous machinery updates.

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